Ultima Online - Dread Pirate Battle Guide , Part2
Ultima Online:
High Seas is an expansion (aka "booster") launched on October 12, 2010 with Publish 68.
It was first announced during a UO Town Hall Meeting held on August 28, 2010
at EA Mythic/Bioware's division headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia.
It was introduced with the title Adventures on the High Seas
but later trimmed to just "High Seas".
It was formally announced as a "booster" as opposed to a full-fledged expansion and debuted with a retail price of $14.99 USD.
On September 28, 2010 the release date was announced as October 12, 2010 and
the High Seas Test shard opened for testers the next day til October 7, 2010.
1.Ship Damage and Repair
2.new SHip weapon Canon
3.Pirate/Merchant Ships
Orcish Galleon - 3 cannons per side
Gargish Galleon - 3 cannons per side
Tokuno Galleon - 2 cannons per side
Britannian Ship - 4 cannons per side, 2x 1 tile house add-on , slowest boat out of all
4.Sea Boss - Corgul the Soulbinder , Scalis Enforcer , Charybdis
5.Sea market - Pro bounty hunter Quest - live capture is get more good rewards
6.Blackmarket - Sell maritime cargo for doubloons , Exchange doubloons for specialty goods
7.Professional Fisher Monger Quests , PowerScroll , Ruined ORCship Plan deed - Part 8 each rewards depends on LUCK
where i found most pirate ship or plunger beacons ?
Most Pirate Ships are in the area east of Jhelom.
There are a couple in the area north of Moonglow.
Merchant ships are also in the areas.
HOw to Tracking to find the Pirate or merchantships or Beacons :
Say "Start Tracking" to begin and "Stop Tracking"
to do just that.
You DO have to cancel Tracking and start it over again to "refresh" the results.
Pirate Ship
Pirate Ships are introduced with the High Seas booster.
They are Orc Ships and can be found on the waters
East of Jhelom, North of Moonglow or Tokuno Islands - south of the docks.
The crew consists of:
1 Dread Pirate
1 Orc Ship Captain
3-5 Several Orcs
You need to scuttle the ship in order to board or cast summon spells on it.
You need to capture or kill the pirate for the Professional Bountyhunter Quest.
Several resources can be plundered from the ship:
Saltpeter is used with Charcoal to create Black Powder,
which is used with Cloth to create a Charge in the preparation of Cannons for firing.
Prior to Publish 68.3,
it was obtained from NPC Alchemists at the #Sea Market or at the other docks of the Towns in Trammel and Felucca.
As of Publish 68.3, saltpeter is now a gathering resource for miners from #Niter deposits in dungeons and at sea Boat mining.
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